Apr 17, 2013

16 April 2013 ( Tuesday )

    So today is the day that I have created the blog so it would be the first day that I will start the journal. Well i think i will start from the morning, a friend of mine called me just to see how I am doing and he woke me up, he does this everyday but it is fine by me, it is kind of nice to see that somebody actually thinks about you every morning even if it is a guy friend , he is even my best friend. After waking up I started the idea with the blog that I had it last night so here I am writing about my life to you guys. After I made this blog I played a couple of League Of Legends games and watched a couple of Chuck episodes (a really awesome show to be honest) then I went out to play some football (soccer) with my friends , 2 vs 2 and 1 goalkeeper. It was fun but after like 30-60 min we were all tired and thirsty as hell. When we got at our small stadium one of my friends threw the ball over a high fence from mistake and because we could not really get over it we gave 3 Euro to some small gypsy kids to get us the ball and they did.

   After the football we got back to our neighborhood and rested on a bench , drank some soda , talked , laughed and wasted the time, we are kids anyway that our "job". When the night came we went for a walk to  meet with a guy to buy something and if you did not already figure out what we bought it was some weed. Only me and 2 of my friends smoked , the other 2 did not want to today, don't know why but it doesn't really matter, we just sat in a car and listened to some nice house music and laughed our ass off in the process. It has been a decent day , not a lot of action but not that boring either , summer is coming and the weather is getting hotter every day that passes by , can not wait for Summer to come to go out to swimming polls and more soccer to be played , BBQ to be made and so on .

   In the future I will try to find a way to earn some money so I could buy a digital camera or a phone or something that could make decent pictures so I could add them to the blog , might help you get the idea of the places i am going and the stuff i am doing, might be more fun for the both of us . :D

  See you all tommorow and have a good night , i will play a match or two of  League of Legends then go to sleep.

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