Apr 25, 2013

24 April 2013 ( Wine and Weed )

Really nice day today , had lots of fun ! So I went out with a good friend and some other friends that I usually don't go out with but I was pretty amazed my self that I had lots of fun and there was a lot of laughter. I drank a beer because of the really hot weather outside and that I didn't drink any alcohol for a very long time and I also promised that friends that I will drink a beer with him.

After we left we went to the hood that we always stay and hang out, we meet with some other friends to and today was one of the neighbors birthday and also a friend of ours (he turned 32) so Happy Birthday to him !! I drank enough wine to get me drunk , around 6-7 cups but it was so tasty and was so good with the spicy BBQ he made that you couldn't  just drink one cup and eat one piece of meat and say that you are done. It was homemade wine brought from the country side made in the basement  , the good one and I say that because wine is one of the drinks that I hate the taste of it but this is the second wine that I actually liked so I toked advantage of that and drank a little to much , my head is exploding now !

When it started to get late we all went upstairs to our friends apartment and smoked some weed (yes,we smoke everyday) , not with the birthday guy but with my other friends that we hang out everyday for the past 3-4 years. To be honest I cant say that I trust any of them even if we have been through a lot together , those days you cant trust anybody and that's something that a live after , nothing personal but I don't want to risk again to get f***d again.

Well this was kind of all my day so have a nice good night sleep or a nice day if you just woke up and see you guys soon !!

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