Apr 17, 2013

17 April 2013 (Wendsday)

   So what is it to say about today ? It is starting to be harder to blog when nothing interesting happens but still i will not give up that easy and do my best.  So here I go again today :

   Today it is the second day since I started the blog, still trying to get the hang of it and learn all the tricks that there are. Not so many visits or views but I was already expecting this , still the blog was just created and people did not have time to discover it but they have all the time in the world , i know I am not going anywhere and hope that you will not either. Ok so same routine, woke up and played some League of Legends games  (my LoL name for those interested is Athen so see you in the game) , i recommend this game, every match is different, different strategies , lots of heroes from which to pick , lots of maps and lots of nice features that will not get you bored playing over and over again and almost every time you play with new people from all over the world, it is a nice way to spend time with your friends to so if I got you curious or interested in the game we should meet there and play together. Anyway I kind of got off topic so let us get back to our subject , the journal that I am writing about my self. So after I played a couple of games and toked a fast shower I went out only with 1 Euro in my wallet and I meet with my friends , the same 5 that we were yesterday. One of them traveled around 100 km to a bigger city to get a tattoo on his hands so yah 2 hands 2 tattoos and traveled the 100 km again to get back home but what am I saying , i traveled around the same distance to get mine but was another city that I went to , anyway to be honest I don't really like his tattoos , just my opinion like how one of my friends doesn't like mine. He bought himself a airsoft gun to , pretty fun but not as cool as i was expecting it to be but was pretty fun to play with it around the parking lot shooting cans and street dogs that in the past tried to bite us , we can call it a kind of revenge on the dogs but  I hope you people don't start thinking about me that I do not like animals or something like that, I got a husky of my own , his 2 years and 3 months old and I grew him since he was small , his name is Okami and his a boy (my brother named the dog, Okami is a god from japan long time ago if i am not mistaking , corect me if I am wrong). I also brought some cream to my friend for his tattoo and another one for a kind of disease that you can get it on your ass, don't know how to spell it in English but it is not something that dangerous just a little painful and annoying.

    I forgot to tell you guys , my brother came home today , he is 21 years old in second year at the university of medicine , you can call him the pride of the family. We are not that close , we don't talk that much or do anything togheter but he is still my brother and even if I don't like him that much I still love him.

    Some off topic now ! 

    I know I told you guys I will do a schedule about the journal and opinions and stuff but I didn't have the time to organize my self and I am sorry for that but I think in around a week I will get the hang of the all Blog thing and I will organize my self much better. I have to organize the Blog and my life also , to get some time for gym , to walk the dog , to blog , to read and so on even if I don't really like to live on a schedule even if I made that schedule I will try to give it a shot so wish me luck and see you tomorrow !

   Good Night Everybody !

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